FQSS266-200 - 266 nm pulsed laser with 200 µJ
The CryLaS High-Power series lasers are diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSS lasers) based on a microchip design. It consists of a Nd:YAG resonator with a directly coupled saturable absorber that works as a passive Q-switch. As the historically first development of CryLaS GmbH, the lasers are widely used in industrial and scientific application. They impress with their reliability, especially in the OEM business, and offer high pulse power with comparatively small housing dimensions. Thanks to frequency conversion, the lasers are available from IR to DUV.
The FQSS266-200 laser delivers 200 µJ pulse energy at a maximum repetition rate of 20 Hz and a pulse width of 1.5 ns, i.e. a peak pulse power of 130 kW.
CryLaS lasers impress with their simple installation, service-free operation and long laser lifetime. They are the ideal tool for OEM applications and demanding scientific lab use.